Heater restoration

When I purchased my car, the heater was working allthough the amount of "hot" air coming out was rather limited. I thought that was just another mustang feature. But no, after restoring the heater, I noticed that it really works well. And since I drive my car during the whole year including in Belgium's cold weather, this restoration was the best and most comfortable thing I have done on the car!

This job is relatively easy, some basic tools, your shop manual, some black paint, the heater repair kit and an extra pair of hands for removal and installation.

The heater box has two parts, hold together by clips. All the original foam on the inside is gone or in very bad condition. The little door, bottom part, exits in the interior and gives cold air to the passenger.

The blower motor, top left has two wires, yellow and black that are connected in the engine bay.

The radiator often leaks and causes wet carpets and rust. Mine did not leak but I have replaced it anyway.

The part number on the blower motor and the date. It was working fine.
The inside part of the heater has received some fresh black paint. The little door has been lubricated so it opens en closes smoothly now. The red thing is the heater resistor.
The new foams have been installed with double sided tape, the pale gray door controls the temperature. It is the middle lever on your dashboard's heater control.
Here is the complete heater assembled. On the left the original cardboard box where the hoses go to defrost the windshield. You can also see the clips holding the two parts together. The big hole connects with the right opening in the cowl, allowing fresh air to come in. The goldish pipe is the radiator.
View from the other side, the blower motor goes through the firewall and is secured with 4 srews. The radiator hoses are connected and also go through the firewall, where you connect them with the engine.